A Midsummer Bovine Invasion
07.14.2022 Out of the clouds, down from the skies*
Hey Now! Welcome back my friends. Great to see y'all. That color looks good on you. Let's have some fun. Typical trip, just me and Stretch. Sweet Ti is once again looking after our mess o' kitties. Good on you my Sweet Ti! Cheers! Happy Birthday Our Feather!
Foxy travel time.
Rest area felines
best gas station chicken on earth!
As the Polish Spinster Sisters are off today, Adrian checks me in. I kinda wanted to try the boardwalk end of the Ocean Tower, but there aren't any suites available. So I settle for one on the other end of the tower. Ready and waiting at 11 a.m. Noice.
Stretch is keepin' watch
So this is the 3rd trip that we've gotten a suite in the Ocean Tower with a different configuration. This one actually has 2 tub showers. Weird. I let my Sweet Ti know that I am all moved in and that I miss her already. She tells me to earn my keep and good luck!
I'll try
That didn't work. So I use today's FSP (80.) and today's mystery FSP (a whopping 5.!) as a stake on my favorite ol' standby slant VP machine. I didn't catch that darned unicorn. Barely used up that free play before being smoked out. And this is a no smoking area!!!!!
Queue up the Disco for us DJ JJ!!
Fast as Flying Monkeys, right Jim?
Bar None took some MDMA
Not very fortuitous beginning gamboling. Sweet Ti suggests old school reels.
At least that hundy lasted a bit longer. Right about now my stomach is screaming "Feed me Seymour!!!" First night is always pizza night. And after ordering I always play Devil Baby. And I always win. But what the hell? Someone dares play my machine????
Worse, just sitting there. Grrrrrr
My machine (listen to me, my machine sheesh) is on the right. On the left, dude had zilch credits. I went ahead and ordered. They left.
Insert coin please Jimbo-
The streak continues
So I always tip today's local, the Pizza Chef. He knows how I like my pie. Garlic on the crust, well done. It was bigger than the box! After I munched, I took a shower. I flipped a coin as to which shower to use. The one I chose had a problem. The drain wouldn't. Drain that it. So I moved over to the other one. But that one had a problem too. They had obviously placed an insert tub on top of the original. But it wasn't seated properly. It was kinda like taking a shower while standing up on a water bed. Plus I get motion sickness easily. Good thing I don't drink.
Party on dude.
Win what you see
The new pool facility is 2 weeks overdue to open as of right now. But it looks to me like it's just about ready. I stroll over next door to the Hard Rock to use the miniscule FSP they grace me with. 15. per day. I find yet another iteration of Buffalo. Buffalo Gamble. Who would have thought.
Sorta like roulette with cattle
And speaking of cattle........
Fire up the Area 51 footage James!!!
Slightly profitable adventure next door.
Never saw the movie...
Amaze us once more please Jim!
Really great graphics on these machines.
2 buck Chuck
I'm such a sucker for Monopoly. Especially in AC. Right Jim????
Thank you Mr. Monopoly!
Tough opening salvo. But we are in it for the long haul. Tell 'em Lou!!
07.15.2022 Something is here- But we don't know why*
Hey Now! What time is it?!! You guessed it- 4:20. Pizza and Near Red Bull for breakfast.
Where's those airborne Simians James?
This dude had a serious die technique. Of course he was throwing them on a Plexiglas surface. The rest of the pit was completely empty except for one 15. BJ table. It was full. With a waiting line, Oh- and a 25. and 50. table that were empty. I never could figure out why they don't lower the table limits when there's people waiting for a spot. Meanwhile, I'm not exactly burning things up. Except for hundys that is. Burning those no problem. But I do have another thing I need to burn today. A 75. dining comp. Breadsticks it is. Maria takes care of me. Right away I order a sirloin, fries and a salad. The AC is on the fritz. I stick my head outside for a peak-
even stickier
I opt to stay inside. By the time I had finished my salad the AC was cooking. Maria even hooked me up with 2 cheesecakes to use up all of my comp. Here's a tip y'all..... The menu prices are still pre-inflation. Take advantage while it lasts! Great view too!
Today's gift is a bottle of flavored vodka- no thanks! I'll go for the FSP instead. QH .50 Progressive is looking ripe. Insert coin. I'm playing on the same row with today's local, Sarah. Sarah is from Mays Landing. She's here with her sister, who has wondered off. We are chatting and having a great time talking. Or at least I am. Sarah is pretty much pre-occupied with trying to download her 5. FSP. I finally show her how after I win her confidence that I'm not looking to scam her. I go back to hitting buttons and Sarah tells me her machine is broken. It won't do anything. I explain to her it's because she has hit the jackpot. She is completely clueless.
I explain that she has to wait for the attendant to pay her. At this point she is more interested in finding her sister. I tell her I'll try to fetch up both her sister and an attendant. How will I know your sister??? "Her hat says 'Jersey Girl' ". Guess what? I found both!
Win what you see.
Be bopped over to HR to use the very generous 15. FSP they were offering today and found an Invaders from the Planet Moolah machine. I had a blast playing with today's emergency backup local, Gail. I do love me some alien cattle. Even pushed. Then I hit the Steel Pier.
Give us the Slingshot please Mr. Jimmy.....
That concludes my first exploration of the Steel Pier. Hard to believe that I've been coming to AC since 2005 and staying at Resorts the last 14 years and haven't walked the short distance over here. Oh well, now I have. It really wasn't very busy. Onward!!
Big Money please J.J.!!!!!!!
Thanks Vanna!
Here's a new one on me- right Jim?????
need more calcium
Well this has certainly been one of those OMG days. Down doobie do down down went the BR. 20 hard fought tear points. Cheers!
07.16.2022 Could be a threat, let's put up a fight*
Hey Now! Slept in late. 5 a.m.By the time I got down to the DSTP machine it was 6:30. But it didn't take long to finally hit a 4OAK.
or 2....
but not a spinner in sight
Just when the ol' DSTP machine was coughing these up, a couple showed up nearby sporting a cloud of gray smoke. Too much for me!
I don't recall ever playing this IGT title before. One has to wonder just how many of these type machines were produced over the years. Dozens I suspect. Fun diversion. I stroll over to the RPL Sty and spot a likely suspect. Insert coin. Take control please Mr. J???
I once again take a moment to ponder the history of this place. Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, et al. Even various ghost tales. Spooky!
W3 4 ur WTF J.?
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty....J.J.?
I'm pretty sure I've talked about this game before, so bear with me. This version incorporates the best of the QH progressives- scatter pay. As long as the symbol is visible on the screen on all 3 reels, you get paid. I like it.
I have a food comp next door at HR I'd like to use for the buffet. So I put on my sailing shoes and bopped next door.
I queue up to a kiosk but I'm not seeing a food comp offer. So I ask the buffet cashier to check my card. She informs me the comp isn't good on Saturdays. Damn. So I walked back to Resorts and checked out the club. They aren't open till 2 p.m. Well Boy Howdy, I guess it's Breadsticks. I am seated outside. It's beautiful out here. I order a Reuben and a button from Betty. Pretty much everybody working here is wearing one. All of the casinos but 2 have settled with the union. Resorts is one that hasn't. They are voting on Thursday. Go Union.
The beach is packed already at a bit after noon. Great day for people watching too. As a matter of fact, I'm off upbeach!
Lovely walk. I didn't see any kitties. There's some kind of Soul Fest going on at da 'Boat. Plenty of Big Bootie everywhere.
I hadn't ever signed up for an Ocean player's card yet. The line wasn't bad so I bit the bullet. No tier match for me. 25. FSP and this-
they didn't even have 2xl.....
Looky what I found- James???
I have always really liked the feel of this place, even when it was Revel. The dark ceilings, and the way it just kind of meanders around. Plus being able to see the ocean is really neat. I can't quite figure out where the smoking and non areas begin and end. I'm sure that's by design. All of the video poker machines I saw were crammed in one area that was smoking. No thank you!
Insert coin please Jim.......
I had a blast! I played for a good solid hour on 40. Plus they serve Heiny NA! Man I wish they would get these machines at Resorts!
deadly exalator!
I use today's ammo on my old standby slant VP machine and dial up some 1. BP. Take us to the results please Mr. James!!!!!!
Sweet!! I seriously needed that BR injection. After I cashed out I inserted coin at the .25 DDB Progressives.
Well, I didn't get that royal once again, but it was nice to have a winning session for a change. And now my friends, it's Happy Hour.
Brigantine oysters crabcake sliders calamari
I sat at the bar and Josh served me. It's just after 5 pm and right on time today's locals, Hildy and the Peptones are just setting up. As a matter of fact, I made sure that they were playing before I set up this trip. They play mostly 20's era swing music. Not to be missed!
Sir James??
Hollyrock Hills Awaits!!!!!
Let's walk like an Egyptian Jimmy!!
So I guess I got this idea from spending way too much time researching gamboling online. Or an SDguy video. I was only playing 3 lines instead of 9 lines. That way I still qualified for the bonus but saved money awaiting the 3 scatter symbols to show up. A bit less volatility on an extremely volatile game. Pushed.
Octoberfest time Jim!!!!
So this lady was there with these 3 teenagers. One of them was playing. Then the CW came by and took drink orders from them!
They never got carded either.
still no royal............
Well, it's been yet another day of putting in way more than I've been getting out. But I have one last day to turn things around. Can I?
07.17.2022 We gotta protect the moonstone tonight*
Hey Now! Happy Bday to my long time gamboling partner and son, Mark. He's 42 today. In his honor, I will use his free play today.
a few bday trips ago....
I figured I'd start with some more DDP Progressive. I'm overdue for that elusive royal. My last (and only) one on these machines came when they were still up on the boardwalk end of this joint. Pre-Epidemic- although not by much. Shooing out the Teens. I'm playing with a nice couple. They were playing these machines last night. I introduced myself as some southern perv walking around with a pen and notebook and snooping about. She's today's local-Elaine from Gloucester. NJ that is. As opposed to Gloucester VA. She has always lived there, and doesn't plan to move. She had hit Pointies with the kicker among other hands last night. I asked how her evening went after I crashed.
"They took it all!!"
Break out the Magnavox please Jimmy......
so close....
This was about all I could manage.
I burned through my free play and Mark's but still couldn't snag that dammed lumberjack unicorn. I went upstairs to pack and grabbed some more bullets. Sweet Ti and I chatted for a bit and she suggested I play some Top Dollar on the machine she hit the 1000 credits on. It's an old school .50 denomination model. I concur. As a matter of fact, I'm feelin' it. Insert coin.....
Nice call Baby Duck!!!
Hey Now! Well that was right on time! A bit late actually. I spun off my jackpot and cashed out. Of course I kept up a running commentary with my Sweet Ti. Needless to say, she was pleased with herself. I was pretty happy too. Time to boogie next door and finally use up that food comp they have graced me with. I hit the kiosk and got in the very short line. They had just opened. Let's eat!
Damn serviceable buffet I do declare. Great service from Thairn. He even walked up as I was stashing some cookies for later and told me that he would be right back. He showed back up with a to go coffee cup.
Namaste Thairn
I guess I ought to give them some play to earn my keep here. I start out with some livestock.
No cow pies for you!!!
I walked around a bit looking for something completely different. By god, I think I've found it. If you please Jim?????
1st spin
Next please Jim??!!?
And the finale J.J.-
What a crazy session!!! What a crazy game! I hadn't even seen this one before. Whoever programmed the software must have had a PHD in human psychology. That frenzy mode has a 2:30 minute timer. It encourages you to spin as fast as possible. You can blow through a ton of credits in that amount of time trying to hit the cash grab bonus. This one is definitely hit and run. Which is what I did.
Bao Zhu Zhao Fu Red Festival if you please James???
That was tasty, another helping please Jimmy!!!
I left with 1050. of the Hard Rock's money. Heh heh heh........
Back at the ranch-
Fu Xuan Jim-San?????
It's a good thing that I stashed my winnings from earlier upstairs. I'm back to my old losing ways at Resorts. I took a break to finish packing and made a preliminary run to Foxy and then stopped by the DDB progressive for one last session. Insert coin.
Hit it J.!!
The proverbial last 4OAK
Now that's the way to get that job done. Then I made a beeline to Cappriccios to place a to go order from Evie and use up the other 60. food comp for the month . Genaro popped by for a hug while I was waiting. Perfect timing, as they were just about to close.
Salad, bread, and scallops.
Goodie cart
I crashed before 10p.m. and got up and caught the 9:30 ferry. Home by 3 p.m. I earned 66 tier points, bunch of comp dollars. The BR took a bit of a hit- but I did offset the sting by a grand -compliments of Hard Rock. Well, thanks my friends for playing along one more time. Hopefully I'll run into some of y'all at a casino somewhere. If you recognize me - well, you know what to say!
Hey Now!
*Alien Invasion, Cast of Zombies